Non-Metallic Cable Socks (Aramid)

Our non-metallic cable socks are made from high strength aramid fibre, with UV protective coating, and are ideal for fibre optic applications, offshore and for a multitude of other uses in the electricity industry.

  • Dramatic improvement of the weight to break ratio
  • Suitable for pulling single cable or cable bundles
  • The non-metallic socks are easy to work – even without gloves
  • Single, double and offset-eye options
ND non metallic aramid double eye cable grips
ND non metallic aramid double eye cable grips

ND – Non-Metallic (Aramid) Double Eye Cable Socks

Ideal for fibre optic applications, offshore or for a multitude of uses in the electrical industr...

NO non metallic aramid offset eye cable grip

NO - Non-Metallic (Aramid) Offset Eye Cable Sock

Ideal for fibre optic applications, offshore or for a multitude of uses in the electrical industr...

NS non metallic aramid single eye cable grip

NS – Non-Metallic (Aramid) Single Eye Cable Sock

Ideal for fibre optic applications, offshore or for a multitude of uses in the electrical industr...

Ultra-Flex Non-Metallic Pulling Grip

Ultra-Flex Non-Metallic Pulling Sock

Lightweight and strong pulling sock made of non-metallic aramid fibre. 

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Featured markets

Slingco cable pulling socks, cable support socks and swivels are widely specified throughout the power utility industry.
Custom and off-the-shelf  cable protectors for downhole applications.
Our mining products ease the installation process as well as offering protection against mechanical failures across critical applications.
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